6 Things to Look For When Buying a Naples Beach Home

Marcia Hawken


If you’re considering purchasing your own slice of paradise (in the form of a Naples luxury real estate beach home, of course), congratulations! You’ve taken the first step toward securing a future that’s certain to be bright and full to the brim with fun and beachside excitement.

But now you may be wondering what next steps you should take to ensure that you find the best beach home for you and your family. It takes a lot of hands-on expertise to answer that question, and luckily we’ve got your solution below. Read along to learn the six things to look for when buying a Naples beach home.

Construction integrity

First of all, it’s vital to find a beach home that’s going to endure as long as you’re living there. Since Naples is located in a part of the state that experiences quite a long extreme weather season, it’s important that you buy a home that’s foundationally strong. The worst outcome that a beach homeowner can expect is that their foundation cracks or a hurricane renders the property unlivable. Look closely at the construction details of the house. It should be built with wind and flood-resistant materials –– preferably natural wood and concrete, according to FEMA. Consider buying a home on stilts if the part of Naples you’re looking at is prone to regular storm surges.

Long-term budget

Another pitfall that some beach homeowners fall into is underestimating the long-term cost of repairs and upkeep for their dream house. You have to look beyond the initial down payment charges and the predicted mortgage payments you’ll have to pay. Repairs and renovations are a consistent part of life that comes with owning beachside property. It’s best to sit down with your realtor, financial manager, and attorney to draft a budget for the next five to ten years, at the very least, so you’re not surprised by any large-scale payments that you might have to make later on down the line.

Lifestyle of your neighbors

Living on the beach in Naples, you’re prone to meeting some of the most fun-loving and intriguing personalities in the country. It comes with the territory: beach house property owners need to keep in mind that their view is sometimes going to be compromised a bit by their neighbors. When you visit the house, be sure to learn as much as you can about the makeup of the neighborhood population.

Ask your realtor about the trends in the age of residents, how frequently homeowners move in and out, and whether there’s been a history of noise complaints or distracting partiers who might interrupt your peace. Ideally, you’ll discover that your neighbors enjoy a very similar lifestyle as you, and buying a home in Naples will be the start of a fruitful relationship. But this isn’t always the case. Best to be prepared.

Meet with a coastal home inspector

Anytime you join the luxury real estate market, it’s advisable to meet with a wide range of home inspectors, appraisers, and contractors to learn as much as you can about the state of the property. But it’s doubly important to find qualified inspectors if you’re investing in a home on the beach. Speak with your real estate agent to find the best local professionals. Consider meeting with a few different firms or individuals to see who you prefer.

Your home inspector should have top-notch credentials when it comes to beach homes in particular. They should understand the kind of damage that these types of houses endure to the deck, roofing, cladding, and paint. You don’t want to purchase a home that is hiding damage behind a veneer of new flashing only to discover that it’s in worse shape than you expected.

The appropriate kind of home insurance

Even if your goal is to use your Naples luxury real estate as a short-term rental property, it’s critical to think long-term about the type of insurance you purchase along with the home. Many home insurance plans don’t cover damage done to the property by renters unless you look closely at the terms of your coverage and liability. When speaking with your agent, be sure to clearly lay out your plans for the home and whether or not you intend to rent it out (even if it’s only for select weeks of the year).

Make sure to invest in disaster insurance as well because Naples, FL, can be subject to some of the most damaging winds and rain storms in the lower 48. We also strongly recommend buying supplemental hurricane coverage and a policy that clearly details what will happen in case of flood or water damage.

Hidden fees from your HOA or property manager

In case you do plan to use your beach home as a rental property throughout the year, it’s vital to consider investing in a qualified property manager. If you’re only going to be living in the home for a few weeks or months of the year, it’s almost certain that you’ll need help maintaining the house, cleaning it periodically, and keeping up the landscape. Research a few property managers in the Naples area and compare their rates.

You can also expect to pay yearly or monthly fees to your homeowner’s association in the event that your house is part of a Naples HOA community. The good news is many HOAs include provisions that their staff will perform property management tasks for you once you join the neighborhood. Of course, consult with your realtor in advance to learn all about the HOA fees you can expect to pay.

Get in touch with a local real estate agent today

There you have it: an insider’s guide to the six most essential things to look for when purchasing a beach home. If you have any questions about Naples beach homes for sale, or you’d like to learn more about the process of buying your own seaside paradise in the area, reach out today! Contact Marcia Hawken for more information.


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